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Ayurveda and Monsoons

Ayurveda and Monsoons at Hot Spring Health Care
Ayurveda and Monsoons at Hot Spring Health Care

Rainy Season brings the shower of happiness and joy all over. The soothing sound and the calm vibes from the rain take our body to a ride of serenity though the Doshas of our body gets into a state of incompetence during monsoon season. Body, when at its ultimate state of relaxation, is more responsive to the healing power of treatment. The monsoon season in Tattapani is comparatively cooler with sound and clean atmosphere making this more suitable time to visit for Ayurvedic Healing.

Monsoon at Tattapani | Hot Spring Health Care
Monsoon at Tattapani

Bath in Hot Spring water helps in removing the stiffness of the body and relaxes the body. The important minerals in the Hot Spring water helps in extra nutrients to the body, revitalises the body and increases immunity.

Yoga performed alongside Hot Springs bath increases the benefits of Yoga manifold as the body is able to make better postures, higher endurance and agility and better technique. Hot Spring Health Care helps you to step into an unspoiled paradise by the Ayurvedic healing and yoga session at the Bank of Sutlej Lake.

Yoga at Hot Spring Health Care Tattapani
Guests performing Yoga after a bath in mineral-rich Hot Spring water

We all know how good yoga is for you, but what about yoga beside a water body? At Hot Spring Health Care we know it's even better! Research shows that being near a water body has many benefits: our stress levels drop, we get more creative and generally improve our health just by being close to water. Now adding yoga to the mix: practising beside a water body means yoga’s effects on your body and soul are hugely amplified. Here are seven proven benefits of beach yoga:

  1. Relaxation and Creativity Boost

  2. Exercising outdoors makes our body more physically active

  3. Outdoors = Vitamin D

  4. Mood Lift

  5. It improves your DNA

  6. Reduces Migraines

  7. Posture muscles gets a workout

Yoga overlooking the lake at Hot Spring Tattapani
Yoga overlooking the lake


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